At Babynova, we understand the charm and excitement that surrounds the idea of having twins. The possibility of experiencing twice as many smiles, hugs, and special moments is a dream shared by many families. Although there is no magic formula to ensure a multiple pregnancy, certain factors and choices can increase the likelihood of a multiple pregnancy.

Find out the science behind multiple pregnancies, and discover how to increase your chances of having them.

What is a multiple pregnancy? Difference between identical twins and fraternal twins

Multiple pregnancies come in two primary varieties that can bring happiness into your life. When one sperm fertilizes one egg, which then splits into two embryos, they’re identical twins. These babies will be of the same sex and have an uncanny physical resemblance because they share the same genetic makeup.

Fraternal twins, on the other hand, are created when two distinct sperm fertilize two distinct eggs. This means that each twin has its own placenta and unique genetic makeup, so they may not be identical and might not share many physical characteristics. Either way, both types of twins are natural wonders and bring numerous joys to those who dream of having a large family.

Key factors that impact multiple pregnancy rates

At Babynova we believe that the health of mothers and babies should always be the priority and we understand the desire of some families to have twins. The chances of a multiple pregnancy depend on several factors, both natural and genetic, as well as some aspects related to lifestyle:

Medical options to increase the chances of having twins or a multiple pregnancy

There are medical methods that can help increase the likelihood of conceiving twins, even if certain aspects are natural and cannot be changed. These options should be carefully evaluated and discussed with a fertility specialist:

How reliable is modern technology for multiple pregnancies?

At Babynova we strive to provide accurate, science-based data. Therefore, it is important to disprove some popular beliefs about twin pregnancy. Because there is always the possibility of a small margin of error, and besides, we are talking about the human body, which sometimes behaves unpredictably. We must remember that biological factors beyond medical control mean there’s no guarantee of having twins, even though fertility treatments can increase the likelihood of multiple pregnancies. Rather than promising miraculous results, we emphasize realistic expectations.

Your trusted fertility clinic

If you desire a multiple pregnancy, it is essential that you consult a fertility doctor who can evaluate your situation and offer you personalized advice.

We always prioritize the health of both the mother and the unborn children, remembering that every pregnancy is a unique and special event that requires the utmost attention and care.

At Babynova, we offer you all the support and guidance you need to reach your goal the most safely and healthily possible. Our goal is to accompany each patient along the beautiful path of desired motherhood. For more information about conception methods, we invite you to continue exploring the related content on our blog.